To spank or not to spank- that is the proverbial question that needs to be answered by each and every parent confronted with the need to discipline a child. Many have used the bible verse “Spare the rod and spoil the child” to support their approval of spanking. Others see the greater harm of inflicting pain as a way of obtaining obedience from a child. So where should parents go?
For a start,parents generally want the best for their children. Yes, even the spanking ones. Many do it in the belief that it is for the good of their children. There is no question that children need to be disciplined. However, there is likewise a need to consider the long term effects of whatever disciplinary action is chosen especially if it involves physically hurting a child. [Read more…] about To Spank or Not to Spank – That is the Question
Originally posted on September 13, 2013 @ 11:24 am