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bath time tantrums

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How Do You Handle Bath Time Tantrums?

Bath time tantrums can really test a parent’s patience. Maybe it’s the fear of water, interrupting playtime, or just being in a bad mood. Dealing with these meltdowns takes some strategy and lots of calmness. But guess what? With the right tricks up one’s sleeve, bath time doesn’t have to be such a battle. It […]

Parenting Teens: Everything You Need to Know

Parenting itself is one of the hardest jobs out there. However, parenting a teen, much like a video game, is the final level, and is agreed by many to be the most difficult. It's an age of testing boundaries, and coming into your own throughout the transition between childhood and …

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How To Help Loved Ones Embrace Aging Gracefully

Getting older is just part of life. It comes with its own set of physical, emotional, and social changes. Family and friends have a key role in making this phase as smooth as possible for their loved ones. The trick lies in fostering an attitude that not only accepts but welcomes these …

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