Bullies are everywhere. They are not limited to school, they are not limited to a particular age. They exist in all countries all over the world.
Most of the time bullies appear more frequently in the elementary years. There are fewer of them in high school, possibly because their peers have forced most to conform. People, generally do not like bullies. As they grow older and hopefully develop a good sense of what is right, our children will no longer just let bullies harass co-students or themselves.
How do you know if your child is being bullied? The signs may not all be obvious. Most can actually be very subtle. This includes:
- Your child begins to dislike going to school. They will want to avoid the place where they are being bullied, especially if they know that they are not yet capable of averting it from happening.
- Your child becomes moody. If your child is showing sudden signs of wanting to be alone or not wanting to talk with anyone, or even just being less himself you may want to keep an eye on your child and see if anything is going on.
- Your child being hungrier when he comes home from school than before. Unless your child has joined a sport it may be that they aren’t getting any lunch.
- Your child suddenly has no savings. Most kids tend to splurge on candy and hotdogs but they usually do save something for something they really want, like comic books. If your child suddenly has no savings but no additions to his collection, someone may be taking his money from him.
- Your child comes home with bruises, damaged clothes or in poor condition compared to when he left home for school. This would be the most obvious sign and means you really need to steo up and protect your child.
Originally posted on July 25, 2006 @ 9:27 pm