Texting while driving or adjusting the radio is one thing. Little do many people know that kids can be an even bigger distraction while driving. Nothing is as distressing as trying to operate a vehicle while kids are screaming.
In order to avoid getting in a car accident, take a look at some of the best tips for driving with kids in the car.
Discipline In a Parked Car
When your children are fighting your first instinct may be to keep one hand on the wheel and reach into the back seat to separate them with the other. However, taking your focus off of the front of the car and putting it into the back of the vehicle is a recipe for disaster.
If you need to discipline your child, you should pull over before doing so. Even though it may be difficult, you should take a deep breath and try to remain quiet and focus on the road. Once you’ve pulled over, you can do what you need to do.
Don’t Check On Your Kids Too Often
Your eyes should remain on the road while driving. It’s ok to look back quickly in the rearview mirror from time to time, but only glancing.
When you turn around completely, you’re risking your life, your children’s’, and those of other drivers. You may feel like you need to repeatedly check younger children and babies; however, you’re preserving their safety more by keeping your eyes on the road rather than on them.
Teach Your Children The Importance Of Patience
It’s vital that your children know that it’s important to practice patience when you’re operating a vehicle. They have to wait until you’re done driving to attend to their needs.
Tell them that you have to pay attention to the road or you could be in danger. If they throw a tantrum, you’ll just have to take deep breaths until you can pull over to a full stop.
Distract Them
Sometimes children react best to distractions rather than logic. Rather than trying to explain why you can’t give them what they want right away, you should try to provide them with something else to think about.
Point out something in the window that they can look at, or put on some music that they might like. Seasoned parents always carry distractions in the car in the event of emergencies. You may want to consider carrying around a tablet or toys. It can be a great way to soothe tantrums in a pinch.
Stay Off The Phone
It’s vital that you stay off the phone in any way shape or form, including hands-free speakerphone. Your main focus should be driving, not on the conversation you’re having on the phone.
When you’re driving precious cargo, you can’t afford any distractions.
Originally posted on April 10, 2019 @ 9:33 am